Los Orígenes del Estado y la Escritura en el Próximo Oriente Antiguo
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Los recientes avances en el estudio de las primeras sociedades complejas del Próximo Oriente Antiguo han revelado que, tanto la aparición del Estado como la invención de la Escritura, fueron llevadas a cabo de manera paralela e independiente en dos zonas distintas: Egipto y la Baja Mesopotamia (Uruk). Además, los condicionantes culturales y ecológicos, resultaron fundamentales para el éxito de dichos avances, propiciando el despegue económico, ideológico y sociopolítico que los distinguió del resto de sociedades de esta región. El objetivo del presente trabajo consistirá en analizar los distintos factores que estimularon el desarrollo de estos procesos, así como las diferentes teorías que los especialistas de este campo de estudio han expuesto en las últimas décadas.
Recent advances in the study of early complex societies of the Ancient Near East have revealed that both the appearance of the state as well as the invention of writing were carried out in parallel and independently in two different areas: Egypt and Lower Mesopotamia (Uruk). In addition, cultural and ecological conditions were fundamental to the success of these advances, promoting the economic, ideological and sociopolitical jump, which that distinguished the other societies in this region. The aim of this final year dissertation is to analyze the different factors that stimulated the development of these processes and the different theories that specialists of this field of study have exhibited in recent decades.
Recent advances in the study of early complex societies of the Ancient Near East have revealed that both the appearance of the state as well as the invention of writing were carried out in parallel and independently in two different areas: Egypt and Lower Mesopotamia (Uruk). In addition, cultural and ecological conditions were fundamental to the success of these advances, promoting the economic, ideological and sociopolitical jump, which that distinguished the other societies in this region. The aim of this final year dissertation is to analyze the different factors that stimulated the development of these processes and the different theories that specialists of this field of study have exhibited in recent decades.