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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El TFM es un texto que pone punto y final al Máster de Enseñanza de ESO, BAC, FP y
Enseñanza de Idiomas. Mi objetivo es enseñar a los alumnos los aspectos más formales
de la lengua francesa respecto a los países que tienen esta lengua como lengua oficial
en Europa.
Este TFM estará dividido en una parte epistemológica, dónde hablaré de los métodos
de enseñanza, la evolución del francés como idioma y la Francofonía y una unidad
didáctica, dónde comento las competencias, objetivos y contenidos que tienen que
aprender a través de las actividades que yo he preparado para su posterior evaluación.
Palabras clase: francés, Francia, Francofonía, métodos de enseñanza, francés lengua
extranjera, unidad didáctica.
[EN]The TFM is a text that puts an end to the ESO, BAC, FP and Language Teaching. My goal is to teach students the most formal aspects of the French language compared to the countries that have this language as the official language in Europe. This TFM will be divided into an epistemological part, where I will talk about the methods of teaching, the evolution of French as a language and Francophony and a unit didactics, where I comment on the competences, objectives and contents that have to learn through the activities that I have prepared for further evaluation. Class words: French, France, Francophony, teaching methods, French language foreign, didactic unit
[EN]The TFM is a text that puts an end to the ESO, BAC, FP and Language Teaching. My goal is to teach students the most formal aspects of the French language compared to the countries that have this language as the official language in Europe. This TFM will be divided into an epistemological part, where I will talk about the methods of teaching, the evolution of French as a language and Francophony and a unit didactics, where I comment on the competences, objectives and contents that have to learn through the activities that I have prepared for further evaluation. Class words: French, France, Francophony, teaching methods, French language foreign, didactic unit
Palabras clave