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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El objetivo de este proyecto fue la obtención de una herramienta eficaz para la determinación del sexo en Búho real (bubo bubo), especie sin dimorfismo sexual marcado, mediante la toma de medidas biométricas y de huesos de 32 cadáveres sexados mediante identificación gonadal. A partir de 49 parámetros se obtuvieron tres ecuaciones discriminantes que clasificaron correctamente hasta un 96,3% de nuestros individuos de sexo conocido. La validación cruzada con el método del Jack knife indicó un 100% de éxito de clasificaron correcta. Las más altas de todas las citadas como referencias hasta la fecha. Un segundo objetivo consistió en iniciarnos en Morfometría Geométrica en 2D mediante análisis de huesos para el estudio de la ontogenia, alometría y posible diferenciación sexual en esta especie. La alometría no pudo ser determinada con éxito debido a la falta de ejemplares de todas las edades y a una muestra pequeña. Referente a la ontogenenia, el Búho real presenta un crecimiento acelerado que finaliza con el año de vida a excepción de la garra L1 donde presenta procesos ontogenéticos. Nuestros huesos elegidos fueron cráneo, coracoides y sinsacro, aunque solo mostró diferencias morfométricas el cráneo con una clasificación correcta del 96,67% de diferencias morfométricas entre huesos del cráneo de machos y hembras. El coracoides presentaba diferencias pero no eran estadísticamente significativas.
[EN]The purpose of this project was the attainment of a useful tool for gender determination of the Eurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo), monomorphic species, by body measures and bones of 32 individuals previously determined by internal examination of reproductive organs. From 49 parameters were obtained three discriminant equation which were correctly classified a 96,3% of our known sexed individuals. The cross-validation with Jack knife method showed a successful classified of 100%. Both of them were the highest obtained until now. A second purpose consisted of initiated into 2D´s Geometric Morphometrics by analysis of bones for the study of ontogeny, allometry and possible gender determination of the Eurasian Eagle-Owl. Allometry 6 could not be determined successful due to lack of all age’s individuals and a small sample. Concerning to ontogeny, the Eurasian Eagle-Owl presents an accelerated growth which ends at the age of one year. Claw is an exception because it presents ontogenetics processes. The bones selected were skull, coracoid and synsacrum, but only skull showed morphometric differences with a correct classification of 96,67%. Coracoid also showed differences, but the analysis result was not statistically significant.
[EN]The purpose of this project was the attainment of a useful tool for gender determination of the Eurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo), monomorphic species, by body measures and bones of 32 individuals previously determined by internal examination of reproductive organs. From 49 parameters were obtained three discriminant equation which were correctly classified a 96,3% of our known sexed individuals. The cross-validation with Jack knife method showed a successful classified of 100%. Both of them were the highest obtained until now. A second purpose consisted of initiated into 2D´s Geometric Morphometrics by analysis of bones for the study of ontogeny, allometry and possible gender determination of the Eurasian Eagle-Owl. Allometry 6 could not be determined successful due to lack of all age’s individuals and a small sample. Concerning to ontogeny, the Eurasian Eagle-Owl presents an accelerated growth which ends at the age of one year. Claw is an exception because it presents ontogenetics processes. The bones selected were skull, coracoid and synsacrum, but only skull showed morphometric differences with a correct classification of 96,67%. Coracoid also showed differences, but the analysis result was not statistically significant.