Alcoholismo, marginación y trabajo social
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Este trabajo parte de la inquietud por conocer en profundidad la marginación que experimentan las
personas alcohólicas, así como indagar en la perspectiva e intervención desde el Trabajo Social.
Esta disciplina desempeña un papel fundamental en los colectivos marginados, ya que busca su
reinserción en todos los ámbitos que se presentan en la sociedad. Para la realización de este TFG se ha
llevado a cabo una revisión bibliográfica lo más exhaustiva posible, intentando analizar desde el punto
de vista del trabajo social como se puede contribuir en la recuperación y rehabilitación de los diversos
individuos que sufren esta problemática.
También se ha comparado la relación que presentan los conceptos de marginación y alcoholismo a partir
de las características, perfiles y diversas formas de intervenir. De igual modo, se ha estudiado la
marginación que sufren las personas que consumen alcohol en exceso después de su rehabilitación,
haciendo una comparativa entre géneros
This work is based on the concern to know in depth the marginalization experienced by alcoholic people, as well as to investigate the perspective and intervention from Social Work. This discipline plays a fundamental role in marginalized groups, since it seeks their reintegration into all areas that arise in society. To carry out this TFG, a bibliographic review has been carried out as exhaustive as possible, trying to analyze from the point of view of social work how we can contribute to the recovery and rehabilitation of the various individuals who suffer from this problem. The relationship between the concepts of marginalization and alcoholism has also been compared based on the characteristics, profiles and various ways of intervening. Similarly, the marginalization suffered by people who consume alcohol excessively after their rehabilitation has been studied, making a comparison between genders
This work is based on the concern to know in depth the marginalization experienced by alcoholic people, as well as to investigate the perspective and intervention from Social Work. This discipline plays a fundamental role in marginalized groups, since it seeks their reintegration into all areas that arise in society. To carry out this TFG, a bibliographic review has been carried out as exhaustive as possible, trying to analyze from the point of view of social work how we can contribute to the recovery and rehabilitation of the various individuals who suffer from this problem. The relationship between the concepts of marginalization and alcoholism has also been compared based on the characteristics, profiles and various ways of intervening. Similarly, the marginalization suffered by people who consume alcohol excessively after their rehabilitation has been studied, making a comparison between genders
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