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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster se centra en el estudio y análisis de las dificultades de
aprendizaje de alumnos anglófonos en español como lengua extranjera, así como en la
creación de una propuesta didáctica sobre diferentes usos de los verbos ser y estar en el
nivel A2. Para su desarrollo se incluye, en primer lugar, una contextualización del estudio
del español en el mundo, especialmente en países de habla inglesa, junto con un recorrido
histórico de las metodologías empleadas para su enseñanza. A continuación, se describen
diferentes dificultades de aprendizaje de alumnos angloparlantes en nuestra lengua,
respaldadas por una comparación de estructuras en español e inglés y un listado de
manuales específicos para este perfil de alumnado. Tas comprobar que ser y estar son
elementos controvertidos en este aprendizaje, se propone, finalmente, una unidad
didáctica focalizada en estos verbos, que contiene, además, componentes culturales de la
provincia de Málaga.
Palabras clave: anglófono; angloparlante; dificultades; ser; estar; propuesta didáctica.
[EN]This Master’s dissertation is centered on the study and analysis of Anglophone students with learning difficulties in Spanish as a Foreign Language, and on the design of a didactic unit about different uses of the verbs ser and estar (to be) at the A2 level. In order to carry out this work, we are going to include, firstly, a contextualization of the Spanish studies in the world, especially in the English-speaking countries, along with a historic view of the methodologies used in Spanish teaching. Next, we will be describing different English-speaking students’ learning difficulties in Spanish, accompanied by a comparison of structures in Spanish and English and a list of specific manuals for this students’ profile. Lastly, after confirming that ser and estar are controversial elements regarding the Spanish learning, we propose a didactic unit focalized in these verbs, which also includes cultural components of the Province of Málaga, Spain. Keywords: Anglophone, English-speaking; difficulties; ser; estar; didactic unit.
[EN]This Master’s dissertation is centered on the study and analysis of Anglophone students with learning difficulties in Spanish as a Foreign Language, and on the design of a didactic unit about different uses of the verbs ser and estar (to be) at the A2 level. In order to carry out this work, we are going to include, firstly, a contextualization of the Spanish studies in the world, especially in the English-speaking countries, along with a historic view of the methodologies used in Spanish teaching. Next, we will be describing different English-speaking students’ learning difficulties in Spanish, accompanied by a comparison of structures in Spanish and English and a list of specific manuals for this students’ profile. Lastly, after confirming that ser and estar are controversial elements regarding the Spanish learning, we propose a didactic unit focalized in these verbs, which also includes cultural components of the Province of Málaga, Spain. Keywords: Anglophone, English-speaking; difficulties; ser; estar; didactic unit.
Palabras clave
Enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera