Papel de los exosomas durante el desarrollo cardiaco
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Los exosomas son vesículas que se originan en el interior de la célula y son expulsadas al exterior, con el
fin de transportar proteínas, ADN, ARN mensajero, microARN y otros ARN no codificantes, y se plantea
que podría estar relacionado con los microARN que actúan como morfógenos en el desarrollo. El
desarrollo cardicaco temprano es un punto clave en el desarrollo de un embrión y sería importante saber
la importancia y el papel de los exosomas en este punto del desarrollo.
En este trabajo experimental se interpretó de manera cualitativa y cuantitativa el desarrollo de
embriones de Gallus gallus domesticus con 24 horas de incubación (HH4-HH6) para delatar si en los
embriones donde la capacidad de producir exosomas ha sido inhibida se ve alterado el desarrollo dado
el papel que tienen los exosomas en este momento del desarrollo en el que se comienza la formación del
[EN] Exosomes are vesicles that originate inside the cell and are expelled outside, in order to transport proteins, DNA, messenger RNA, microRNA and other non-coding RNAs, and it is suggested that it could be related to the microRNAs that act as developmental morphogens. Early cardiac development is a key point in the development of an embryo and it would be important to know the importance and role of exosomes at this point in development. In this experimental work, the development of Gallus gallus domesticus embryos with 24 hours of incubation (HH4-HH6) was interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively to reveal whether the development is altered in embryos where the ability to produce exosomes has been inhibited. the role that exosomes have at this moment of development in which the formation of the heart begins.
[EN] Exosomes are vesicles that originate inside the cell and are expelled outside, in order to transport proteins, DNA, messenger RNA, microRNA and other non-coding RNAs, and it is suggested that it could be related to the microRNAs that act as developmental morphogens. Early cardiac development is a key point in the development of an embryo and it would be important to know the importance and role of exosomes at this point in development. In this experimental work, the development of Gallus gallus domesticus embryos with 24 hours of incubation (HH4-HH6) was interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively to reveal whether the development is altered in embryos where the ability to produce exosomes has been inhibited. the role that exosomes have at this moment of development in which the formation of the heart begins.
Palabras clave
Biología molecular y clínica