La escultura romana en Jaén y provincia, una parte relevante de su patrimonio histórico
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La escultura romana ha sido un tema muy investigado y estudiado, pero hay zonas en el que ese estudio es algo más escaso, como por ejemplo la provincia de Jaén. En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se pretende hacer una lectura y una investigación lo más completa posible de las piezas que conservamos en Jaén y en algunas zonas de la provincia, conociendo al mismo tiempo las técnicas usadas y el tipo de escultura que se realizaba y para quién o para qué se realizaba. La aparición de una serie de interesantes piezas, nos permite asimismo comprender el contexto social y cultural que vivió la provincia en época de los romanos.
Roman sculpture has always been a very investigated and studied topic. Nevertheless, there are some areas on which this field of study has been scarcely carried out, such us the province of Jaen. On this ending worksheet, it is intended to fulfill a reading and a investigation as complete as posible of those piece kept in Jaen City and also in some areas of the province, getting to know at the same time the techniques used, the kind of sculpture made up and who or what for they were created. The upcoming of a series of interesting pieces also allows us to comprehend the social and cultural context that our province went through the Roman times.
Roman sculpture has always been a very investigated and studied topic. Nevertheless, there are some areas on which this field of study has been scarcely carried out, such us the province of Jaen. On this ending worksheet, it is intended to fulfill a reading and a investigation as complete as posible of those piece kept in Jaen City and also in some areas of the province, getting to know at the same time the techniques used, the kind of sculpture made up and who or what for they were created. The upcoming of a series of interesting pieces also allows us to comprehend the social and cultural context that our province went through the Roman times.