De Sófocles a Calderón. Elementos de una comparación
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(ES) El motivo de este trabajo gira en torno al estudio de Edipo rey de Sófocles y La vida es sueño de
Calderón de la Barca; dos obras dramáticas fundamentales de la literatura universal. En primer
lugar, trataremos de forma individual la biografía de sus autores, realizaremos un estudio de
la contextualización y resumen de estas obras e indagaremos en cuestiones como sus temáticas,
fuentes, estructura, composición y estilo. En segundo lugar, profundizaremos en el paralelismo
que presentan Edipo y Segismundo en su identidad y carácter y, a su vez, nos centraremos en
el tratamiento de la libertad, la predestinación y el libre albedrío en estos dos textos. Y, por
último, realizaremos un recorrido por las diferentes representaciones pictóricas del mito de
(EN) The purpose of this paper is to offer a study of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex and Calderón de la Barca's La vida es sueño; two fundamental dramatic works of universal literatura. Firstly, we will deal individually with these plays by analyzing the biography of these authors, contextualizing these works and summarizing them, as well as investigating issues such as their themes, their sources, their structure, their composition and their style. Secondly, we will examine the parallelism between Oedipus and Sigismund in their identity and character and, finally, we will focus on the themes of freedom, predestination and free will in these two texts. And, finally, we will take a tour of the different pictorial representations of the Oedipus myth
(EN) The purpose of this paper is to offer a study of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex and Calderón de la Barca's La vida es sueño; two fundamental dramatic works of universal literatura. Firstly, we will deal individually with these plays by analyzing the biography of these authors, contextualizing these works and summarizing them, as well as investigating issues such as their themes, their sources, their structure, their composition and their style. Secondly, we will examine the parallelism between Oedipus and Sigismund in their identity and character and, finally, we will focus on the themes of freedom, predestination and free will in these two texts. And, finally, we will take a tour of the different pictorial representations of the Oedipus myth