Desarrollo urbanístico y planificación urbana en España desde el siglo XIX
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La ciudad constituye un factor clave en la desarrollo urbanístico de cualquier país,
presentando un planeamiento urbano que ha ido evolucionando con el paso del tiempo.
Conforme las ciudades experimentaban un crecimiento demográfico, a su vez experimentan un
crecimiento urbano, con el trazado de nuevas calles y avenidas, que poco a poco se fueron
llenando de edificios, infraestructuras públicas y zonas verdes destinadas a satisfacer las
necesidades de una población en aumento.
Los factores que explican este elevado desarrollo urbano que experimenta España
desde el siglo XIX son el rápido crecimiento demográfico de las ciudades, además de un
desarrollo industrial y económico en las ciudades. Estos factores han influido en el aspecto que
presentan las ciudades en la actualidad, que se refleja en la arquitectura, en el urbanismo e
incluso en la sociedad.
The city constitutes a key factor in the urban development of any country, presenting an urban planning that has evolved over time. As cities experienced demographic growth, they in turn experienced urban growth, with the layout of new streets and avenues, which little by little were filled with buildings, public infrastructures and green areas designed to meet the needs of a growing population. . The factors that explain this high urban development that Spain has experienced since the 19th century are the rapid demographic growth of cities, as well as industrial and economic development in cities. These factors have influenced the appearance of cities today, which is reflected in architecture, urban planning and even society.
The city constitutes a key factor in the urban development of any country, presenting an urban planning that has evolved over time. As cities experienced demographic growth, they in turn experienced urban growth, with the layout of new streets and avenues, which little by little were filled with buildings, public infrastructures and green areas designed to meet the needs of a growing population. . The factors that explain this high urban development that Spain has experienced since the 19th century are the rapid demographic growth of cities, as well as industrial and economic development in cities. These factors have influenced the appearance of cities today, which is reflected in architecture, urban planning and even society.