Un itinerario didáctico en el Espacio Natural de Doñana
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Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) presenta dos partes. En la primera parte, se presenta una introducción y fundamentación sobre el tema que se va a trabajar en la propuesta didáctica, junto con el desarrollo de un marco teórico documentado. La segunda parte, expone la propuesta didáctica que se va llevar a cabo con los niños de 5 años del segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil con el objetivo de trabajar un itinerario didáctico en el Espacio Natural de Doñana dentro y fuera del aula. De este modo, se han elaborado unas actividades para que los niños puedan entrar en contacto con la naturaleza, además de ampliar sus conocimientos sobre las Ciencias de la Naturaleza.
This Final Degree Work has two parts. In the first part, an introduction and rationale is presented on the topic to be worked on in the didactic proposal, along with the development of a documented theoretical framework. The second part, exposes the didactic proposal that will be carried out with the children of 5 years of the second cycle of Early Childhood Education with the aim of working a didactic itinerary in the Natural Space of Doñana inside and outside the classroom. In this way, activities have been developed so that children can come into contact with nature, in addition to expanding their knowledge about nature sciences.
This Final Degree Work has two parts. In the first part, an introduction and rationale is presented on the topic to be worked on in the didactic proposal, along with the development of a documented theoretical framework. The second part, exposes the didactic proposal that will be carried out with the children of 5 years of the second cycle of Early Childhood Education with the aim of working a didactic itinerary in the Natural Space of Doñana inside and outside the classroom. In this way, activities have been developed so that children can come into contact with nature, in addition to expanding their knowledge about nature sciences.