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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La memoria que se presenta versa sobre el Proceso de Separación y Divorcio de carácter contencioso, como proceso especial regulado en la Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero, de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Se estudian los aspectos procesales relativos al mismo, así como aquéllas cuestiones que presentan cierta controversia a la hora de su enjuiciamiento. En la actualidad, el Proceso de Separación y Divorcio de carácter contencioso, tema central de este trabajo, continúa siendo un tema de rabiosa actualidad, merecedor de un estudio como el que aquí se pretende llevar a cabo, analizando los aspectos más relevantes y acopiando las ideas y opiniones de juristas contrastados y conocedores de la materia, como de la jurisprudencia de nuestros Tribunales, de una manera clara y concisa pasa así facilitar su entendimiento a cualquier persona ajena al mundo del Derecho.
[EN] The memory that presents is about the Process of Separation and Divorce of contentious character, as a special process regulated in the Law 1/2000 of January 7, of Civil Prosecution. It is studied the procedural aspects relative to the same one, as well as those questions the present certain controversy at the moment of his prosecution. Currently, the Process of Separation and Divorce of contentious character, central topic of this work, continues being a topic of rabid current importance, deserving of a study as the one that here, tries to carried out, analyzing the most relevant aspects and gathering the ideas and opinions of confirmed and knowledgeable jurists of the matter, since from the jurisprudence of our Courts, of a clear and concise way it happens this way to facilitate his understanding to any person foreing to the world of the Law.
[EN] The memory that presents is about the Process of Separation and Divorce of contentious character, as a special process regulated in the Law 1/2000 of January 7, of Civil Prosecution. It is studied the procedural aspects relative to the same one, as well as those questions the present certain controversy at the moment of his prosecution. Currently, the Process of Separation and Divorce of contentious character, central topic of this work, continues being a topic of rabid current importance, deserving of a study as the one that here, tries to carried out, analyzing the most relevant aspects and gathering the ideas and opinions of confirmed and knowledgeable jurists of the matter, since from the jurisprudence of our Courts, of a clear and concise way it happens this way to facilitate his understanding to any person foreing to the world of the Law.