Reflexiones en torno al Estado Autonómico. ¿Hacia un federalismo imperfecto?
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
España no es un Estado federal desde el punto de vista de organización territorial, pero se trata únicamente de una cuestión nominal. En la última década hemos asistido una profunda descentralización de poder político. Asimismo, se hace precisa la reforma del Senado para que éste adquiera el sentido que en la Constitución de 1978 se le pretendió dar en la redacción del art 69 CE como “Cámara de Representación Territorial”.
“Spain is not a federal state from the point of view of territorial organization, but this is only a nominal issue. In the last decade we have witnessed a profound decentralization of political power. Also, it is necessary Senate reform so that it acquires the sense that the Constitution of 1978 was intended to give to the wording of Article 69 EC as “Chamber of Territorial Representation ""
“Spain is not a federal state from the point of view of territorial organization, but this is only a nominal issue. In the last decade we have witnessed a profound decentralization of political power. Also, it is necessary Senate reform so that it acquires the sense that the Constitution of 1978 was intended to give to the wording of Article 69 EC as “Chamber of Territorial Representation ""