Vía de alta capacidad en el Parque Nacional de Doñana
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[es] En este estudio técnico, se estudian cuatro alternativas distintas que valoran el paso de una vía de alta capacidad por una zona de alto valor ecológico con el menor impacto medioambiental posible, dando un sentido lógico al trazado en lo que a conexión, coste y disminución del trazado actual se refiere.
[en] In this technical study, four different alternatives are studied that value the passage of a high-capacity road through an area of high ecological value with the least possible environmental impact, giving a logical sense to the route in terms of connection, cost and reduction of current layout refers
[en] In this technical study, four different alternatives are studied that value the passage of a high-capacity road through an area of high ecological value with the least possible environmental impact, giving a logical sense to the route in terms of connection, cost and reduction of current layout refers