Un estudio descriptivo de la opinión de madres y padres sobre la colaboración familia y escuela
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La participación de los padres en la vida escolar de sus hijos se relaciona con la consecución de una multitud de efectos positivos en los menores. Tomando como referente el trabajo de García-Bacete (2003), en el que se describen las razones por las que las instituciones familiar y escolar deberían de colaborar entre sí así como, las dificultades o impedimentos que impiden una adecuada colaboración, se elaboró un cuestionario en el que el padre o madre participante debía indicar la frecuencia con la cual la situación descrita favorecía o impedía dicha colaboración. La muestra estuvo conformada por un total de 97 progenitores con un promedio de edad de 35.89 años. El análisis estadístico consistió en un análisis de frecuencias (porcentaje asignado a cada una de las posibles opciones de respuesta) para todos y cada uno de los ítems que componen el cuestionario. Asimismo, se describen los resultados por bloques de contenidos.
The participation of parents in the school life of their children is related to the achievement of several of positive effects on children. Taking as a reference the job by García-Bacete (2003), where the reasons why family and academic institutions should work together are described as well asdifficulties or obstacles that prevent from a proper collaboration, it was developed a questionnaire where the participant father or mother had to show the frequency with which the described situation favored or prevented such collaboration. The sample consisted of a total of 97 parents with an average age of 35.89 years. Statistical analysis consisted of an analysis of frequencies (percentage allocated to each one of the possible response options) for each and every one of the items in the questionnaire. In addition, the results are described in content blocks.
The participation of parents in the school life of their children is related to the achievement of several of positive effects on children. Taking as a reference the job by García-Bacete (2003), where the reasons why family and academic institutions should work together are described as well asdifficulties or obstacles that prevent from a proper collaboration, it was developed a questionnaire where the participant father or mother had to show the frequency with which the described situation favored or prevented such collaboration. The sample consisted of a total of 97 parents with an average age of 35.89 years. Statistical analysis consisted of an analysis of frequencies (percentage allocated to each one of the possible response options) for each and every one of the items in the questionnaire. In addition, the results are described in content blocks.
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