Los ecos de la literatura. Unidad Didáctica para el tratamiento de la fraseología a través de la literatura del siglo XX en 4o de ESO.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] En la asignatura de Lengua Castellana y Literatura, consideramos esencial el estudio de una disciplina
relativamente reciente en las aulas de Secundaria, la fraseología, junto a la paremiología. A través de la
tradición oral presente en la literatura española, pretendemos realizar un recorrido por el siglo XX,
resaltan autores más significativos, obras y el contexto histórico de cada uno de estos para transmitir a
nuestro alumnado una perspectiva cercana de este momento. Además, se seleccionarán autores en los
que esta tradición oral se encuentra realmente patente, con la intención de incrementar la comprensión
de los estudiantes de este tipo de elementos fraseológicos, hacerles percibir a través de esta el reflejo de
la sociedad del tiempo tratado y acercarlos, por medio de la literatura, a una historia que aún se escucha
en los dichos, refranes y expresiones en la actualidad.
[EN] In the subject of Spanish Language and Literature, we consider essential the study of the recently new discipline in the high school classrooms, the phraseology, with the paremiology. Through the oral tradition which appears in the Spanish Literature, we pretend make a tour of the 20th century, mentioning the most important writers, books and the historic context of each one of them with the intention of transmit to our students a close perspective of this moment. Furthermore, we will select some writers who show this oral tradition really clear, with the objective of increase the understanding of the students in these phraseological elements, make them perceive through this the reflection of the society of the time covered and approach them, via Literature, to a history which still alive nowadays in the sayings, proverbs and expressions.
[EN] In the subject of Spanish Language and Literature, we consider essential the study of the recently new discipline in the high school classrooms, the phraseology, with the paremiology. Through the oral tradition which appears in the Spanish Literature, we pretend make a tour of the 20th century, mentioning the most important writers, books and the historic context of each one of them with the intention of transmit to our students a close perspective of this moment. Furthermore, we will select some writers who show this oral tradition really clear, with the objective of increase the understanding of the students in these phraseological elements, make them perceive through this the reflection of the society of the time covered and approach them, via Literature, to a history which still alive nowadays in the sayings, proverbs and expressions.