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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente trabajo de fin de grado pretende profundizar en el turismo rural, en concreto en el oleoturismo (a través del cual se promocionará un producto de calidad y se utilizarán de manera eficiente todos los recursos disponibles para ofrecer un servicio o producto diferenciado y de calidad) y en los beneficios que aporta a muchas localidades ubicadas en zonas olivareras ya que ayuda a promover el desarrollo rural y regional de Andalucía. El turismo rural y en especial el gastronómico pueden llegar a incrementar el desarrollo económico y a su vez la generación de empleo. Para una mayor comprensión del tema elegido, se propone hacer el diseño de una investigación que permita conocer lo que piensan los oeloturistas sobre la importancia de este turismo que está cada vez más en auge, el oleoturismo. Dicha investigación se realiza a través de una encuesta de demanda dirigida al oleoturista que tiene conocimiento sobre el mundo del aceite de oliva. Se pretende analizar el perfil socioeconómico de la demanda turística. La encuesta contiene 20 preguntas agrupadas en 6 bloques (perfil socio-demográfico, económico, perfil potencial del turista, motivación del viaje, características del viaje y opiniones sobre las rutas y catas de aceite)- Al final se establecen unos resultados del estudio de campo y unas conclusiones sobre dicho resultado.
[EN] The present end-of-degree work aims to deepen rural tourism, specifically in oil tourism (through which a quality product will be promoted and all available resources will be efficiently used to offer a differentiated and quality service or product.) and the benefits it brings to many localities located in olive-growing areas, since it helps to promote rural and regional development in Andalusia. Rural tourism and especially food tourism can increase economic development and in turn generate employment. For a better understanding of the chosen topic, it is proposed to desing a reserarch that allows to know what oleoturistas think about the importance of this tourism that is increasingly booming the oleoturismo. This research will be carried out through an offer survey, aimed at analyzing the companies that are part of the denominations of origin such as, for example, the oil mills. and on the other hand demand surveys will be conducted for the oleoturist who has knowledge about the world of olive oil. The aim is to analyze the socioeconomic profile of tourism demand. the survey contains 20 questions grouped in 6 blocks (socio-demographic, economic profile, potential profile of the tourist, motivation of the trip, characteristics of the trip and opinions on the routes and oil tastings). At the end, results of the study and a conclusion of said result are established
[EN] The present end-of-degree work aims to deepen rural tourism, specifically in oil tourism (through which a quality product will be promoted and all available resources will be efficiently used to offer a differentiated and quality service or product.) and the benefits it brings to many localities located in olive-growing areas, since it helps to promote rural and regional development in Andalusia. Rural tourism and especially food tourism can increase economic development and in turn generate employment. For a better understanding of the chosen topic, it is proposed to desing a reserarch that allows to know what oleoturistas think about the importance of this tourism that is increasingly booming the oleoturismo. This research will be carried out through an offer survey, aimed at analyzing the companies that are part of the denominations of origin such as, for example, the oil mills. and on the other hand demand surveys will be conducted for the oleoturist who has knowledge about the world of olive oil. The aim is to analyze the socioeconomic profile of tourism demand. the survey contains 20 questions grouped in 6 blocks (socio-demographic, economic profile, potential profile of the tourist, motivation of the trip, characteristics of the trip and opinions on the routes and oil tastings). At the end, results of the study and a conclusion of said result are established