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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] A lo largo de este trabajo veremos la evolución de la Orientación Laboral desde sus inicios hasta su
situación actual en España. Conceptualizaremos el término y veremos el modelo teórico de la Orientación
Psicopedagógica que propone Rafael Bisquerra, así como las competencias que debe tener un profesional
de la orientación. Expondremos el tema de la Orientación Laboral en la Formación Profesional (FP) a
través del módulo profesional de Formación y Orientación Laboral (FOL). También haremos mención a
algunos de los servicios de orientación del ámbito socio-laboral que funcionan hoy día y reflexionaremos
sobre la necesidad y las ventajas del servicio de orientación. Por último, proponemos una Unidad
Didáctica relacionada con el bloque de Orientación Laboral del módulo profesional de FOL, para llevarla a
cabo en el primer curso del Ciclo Formativo de Grado Medio de Atención a Personas en situación de Dependencia del I.E.S Auringis en Jaén capital.
[EN] Throughout this project we will be looking at the evolution of Vocational Guidance in Spain from its beginnings to its present day situation. We will conceptualize and look at the theory around the term Educational Psychology proposed by Rafael Bisquerra, as well as the skills every vocational guide should have. We will set out the subject of Careers Guidance in Vocational Training (VT) through the Training and Careers Guidance model (VTCG). We will also mention sorne of the Workplace Vocational Guidance which works well today and reflect on the needs and advantages of Vocational Guidance given the current employment situation. Finally, we will put forward a suggested Teaching Unit related to the block of Vocational Guidance in VTCG module. This would be carried out during the first year of Middle-Grade Vocational Training Course in Care of Dependent Persons in Auringis Secondary and Vocational Training School in Jaén.
[EN] Throughout this project we will be looking at the evolution of Vocational Guidance in Spain from its beginnings to its present day situation. We will conceptualize and look at the theory around the term Educational Psychology proposed by Rafael Bisquerra, as well as the skills every vocational guide should have. We will set out the subject of Careers Guidance in Vocational Training (VT) through the Training and Careers Guidance model (VTCG). We will also mention sorne of the Workplace Vocational Guidance which works well today and reflect on the needs and advantages of Vocational Guidance given the current employment situation. Finally, we will put forward a suggested Teaching Unit related to the block of Vocational Guidance in VTCG module. This would be carried out during the first year of Middle-Grade Vocational Training Course in Care of Dependent Persons in Auringis Secondary and Vocational Training School in Jaén.
Palabras clave