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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)La violencia de género es un fenómeno que cada vez ha ido adquiriendo una mayor visibilidad y trascendencia.
En ella se incluyen diversas formas de violencia, entre ellas, la violencia vicaria. A pesar de ser un término
nuevo y pendiente de especificar, ha supuesto una extrapolación que incluye a los/as menores como víctimas
de este grave problema social. La violencia en los menores impone sobre ellos diversas consecuencias que
pueden afectan a su correcto desarrollo físico, emocional, psicológico y conductual. A pesar de existir
numerosos programas dirigidos a la intervención de menores, resultan insuficientes aquellos que garantizan
a atención a los/las menores víctimas de violencia vicaria. Por ello, este trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar
un programa dirigido a menores de entre 9 y 14 años expuestos a este tipo de violencia mediante la promoción
de la resiliencia como recurso personal para hacer frente a la adversidad.
(EN)Gender violence is a phenomenon that has become increasingly visible and important. It includes various forms of violence, including vicarious violence. Although it is a new term that has yet to be specified, it has been extrapolated to include children as victims of this major social problem. Violence suffered by minors imposes on them diverse consequences that can affect their correct physical, emotional, psychological and behavioral development. Despite numerous existing programmes aimed at the intervention of minors, those that guarantee attention to minors who are victims of vicarious violence are insufficient. Therefore, the aim of this work is to develop a programme aimed at children between 9 and 14 years of age exposed to this type of violence by promoting resilience as a personal resource to cope with adversity.
(EN)Gender violence is a phenomenon that has become increasingly visible and important. It includes various forms of violence, including vicarious violence. Although it is a new term that has yet to be specified, it has been extrapolated to include children as victims of this major social problem. Violence suffered by minors imposes on them diverse consequences that can affect their correct physical, emotional, psychological and behavioral development. Despite numerous existing programmes aimed at the intervention of minors, those that guarantee attention to minors who are victims of vicarious violence are insufficient. Therefore, the aim of this work is to develop a programme aimed at children between 9 and 14 years of age exposed to this type of violence by promoting resilience as a personal resource to cope with adversity.