Programa de orientación e intervención psicopedagógica: influencia de las redes sociales en el alumnado de 3o de E.S.O.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El mundo digital cada vez está más avanzado en nuestra sociedad y esto especialmente se ve reflejado en
el uso que hacemos de las redes sociales. Los adolescentes son considerados como “nativos digitales” y son
los que más uso hacen de estas aplicaciones. Las consecuencias de estas pueden ser tanto negativas como
positivas. Es por ello que se ha elaborado este Programa de Orientación e Intervención Psicopedagógica,
con el objetivo de poder generar conocimientos sobre las redes sociales, para poder usarlas de forma
adecuada. En dicho programa se trabajan las tres unidades de actuación, Acción Tutorial, Orientación
Académica y Profesional y Atención a la Diversidad. Será aplicado en 3o de la E.S.O. en el centro educativo
“I.E.S. San Juan Bosco” de Jaén, concretamente en el tercer trimestre.
[EN] The digital world is becoming more advanced in our society and this is especially reflected in the use we make of social networks. Teenagers are considered "digital natives'' and are the ones who use these applications the most. The consequences of these can be both negative and positive. The reason why this Psychopedagogical Orientation and Intervention Program has been developed is in order to use social media appropriately, with the aim of being able to generate knowledge about social networks, in order to use them appropriately. In this program the three areas of action are targeted, Tutorial Action, Academic and Professional Orientation and Attention to Diversity. This program will be applied in the 3rd year of E.S.O. in the educational center “I.E.S. San Juan Bosco'' in Jaén, specifically in the third term. The sessions will take place during the tutoring hour with the group-class.
[EN] The digital world is becoming more advanced in our society and this is especially reflected in the use we make of social networks. Teenagers are considered "digital natives'' and are the ones who use these applications the most. The consequences of these can be both negative and positive. The reason why this Psychopedagogical Orientation and Intervention Program has been developed is in order to use social media appropriately, with the aim of being able to generate knowledge about social networks, in order to use them appropriately. In this program the three areas of action are targeted, Tutorial Action, Academic and Professional Orientation and Attention to Diversity. This program will be applied in the 3rd year of E.S.O. in the educational center “I.E.S. San Juan Bosco'' in Jaén, specifically in the third term. The sessions will take place during the tutoring hour with the group-class.