Efecto del hidroxitirosol en la respuesta al daño isquémico
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[ES]El accidente cerebrovascular, una de las principales causas de discapacidad en todo el mundo, genera una
zona de tejido dañado susceptible de recuperación (penumbra) sobre la que deben actuar las diferentes
estrategias terapéuticas. Se ha demostrado que la dieta mediterránea reduce el riesgo de accidente
cerebrovascular. El principal componente de esta dieta es el aceite de oliva, cuyos efectos beneficiosos se
atribuyen, entre otros, al hidroxitirosol (HT). El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster investiga el efecto
terapéutico de una dieta enriquecida con HT tras producirse un ictus isquémico. Los resultados obtenidos
muestran que en un modelo animal de tMCAO, una dieta enriquecida en HT podría ejercer una acción
positiva mediante su influencia sobre la reactividad glial y la producción de óxido nítrico en las neuronas.
Además, esta dieta podría ejercer un efecto beneficioso al aumentar la expresión de Ngb,
independientemente de la inducción de un daño isquémico.
[EN]Stroke is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. After ischemic stroke, there is a still- recoverable area of damaged tissue called penumbra, which becomes a target for therapeutic strategies. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke. The main component of this diet is olive oil, whose beneficial effects are attributed, among others, to hydroxytyrosol (HT). This study investigates the therapeutic effect of a HT-enriched diet after an ischemic stroke. Our results show that in an animal model of tMCAO, this compound could be beneficial according to its effect on glial reactivity and on NO production in neurons. Moreover, this diet also increases Ngb expression, independently of the ischemic damage.
[EN]Stroke is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. After ischemic stroke, there is a still- recoverable area of damaged tissue called penumbra, which becomes a target for therapeutic strategies. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke. The main component of this diet is olive oil, whose beneficial effects are attributed, among others, to hydroxytyrosol (HT). This study investigates the therapeutic effect of a HT-enriched diet after an ischemic stroke. Our results show that in an animal model of tMCAO, this compound could be beneficial according to its effect on glial reactivity and on NO production in neurons. Moreover, this diet also increases Ngb expression, independently of the ischemic damage.