El aprendizaje del léxico en ELE a través del cómic
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Aprender el vocabulario de una lengua extranjera es una parte fundamental de la
enseñanza. Hoy día se han dejado atrás técnicas que buscaban este aprendizaje a través de la
memorización de listas de palabras, o la copia de las mismas, y cada vez tiene más presencia el
uso de cómics como instrumento pedagógico. Su forma externa, sus características, y su
carácter desenfadado convierten a estos instrumentos, más allá de lo lúdico, en un material que
se puede aprovechar en clase de ELE de múltiples formas. En este trabajo se partirá de la
importancia del léxico en el aprendizaje de una lengua, y de las razones para aprender
vocabulario por medio de estos materiales, para después reflexionar sobre el uso que en
diferentes manuales se hace de los mismos, y acabar aportando una propuesta de aprendizaje
de unidades léxicas coloquiales, usando para ello diferentes ejemplos de cómics.
[EN] Learning the vocabulary of a foreign language is a basic part of teaching. Nowadays it has been given up techniques that seek this learning using the studying of glossaries or copying them but the use of comics as a pedagogical instrument has been raised instead. Its external shape, its qualities, and its relaxed nature make this publications, beyond the ludic, a material that can be used in the class of teaching a foreing language in many ways. This paper will start from the importance of speech in learning a language, wich is followed by considering the purpose of them in diferent handbooks and it will end up giving a task to learn lexical coloquial units using diferent examples of comic as an ide
[EN] Learning the vocabulary of a foreign language is a basic part of teaching. Nowadays it has been given up techniques that seek this learning using the studying of glossaries or copying them but the use of comics as a pedagogical instrument has been raised instead. Its external shape, its qualities, and its relaxed nature make this publications, beyond the ludic, a material that can be used in the class of teaching a foreing language in many ways. This paper will start from the importance of speech in learning a language, wich is followed by considering the purpose of them in diferent handbooks and it will end up giving a task to learn lexical coloquial units using diferent examples of comic as an ide
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Filología Hispánica