El conocimiento de la figura del educador social en entornos rurales
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La conformación de la Educación Social como una profesión es aún un tema
controvertido. Esto es consecuencia de los cambios políticos, sociales y económicos
acaecidos en nuestra historia reciente. Al igual que la definición de Educación Social no
está clara en la actualidad, la figura del educador es también bastante desconocida hoy en
día. Por ello, este trabajo desarrolla un estudio descriptivo acerca del conocimiento de la
figura del educador social en entornos rurales.
El presente trabajo se centra en habitantes de localidades rurales, pretendiendo
analizar el grado de conocimiento que tiene la población rural acerca de la figura del
educador social. Para ello, se comenzará llevando a cabo entrevistas a profesionales que
han ejercido esta profesión y, por otro lado, un cuestionario dirigido a habitantes de
localidades rurales. Para responder a esta pregunta analizamos los datos recogidos de 222
personas que cumplimentaron el cuestionario. Los resultados mostraron que no tienen una
clara definición del educador social y de las funciones que este desempeña. Concluimos así
que debemos realizar todavía un gran trabajo de difusión de la figura del educador social y
del desempeño profesional y social que este tiene.
The conformation of Social Education as a profession is still a controversial subject. This is a consequence of the political, social and economic changes that have occurred in our recent history. Just as the definition of Social Education is not clear today, the professional of the social educator is also unknown nowadays. Therefore, this work develops a descriptive study about the knowledge on the professional figure of the social educator in rural environments. The present work focuses on inhabitants of rural localities, trying to analyze the degree of knowledge that the rural population has about the figure of the social educator. To do this, it will begin by conducting interviews with professionals who have practiced this profession and, on the other hand, a questionnaire addressed to inhabitants of rural localities. To answer this question, we analyzed the data collected from 222 people who completed the questionnaire. The results showed that they do not have a clear definition of the social educator and the functions he performs. We conclude that we must still carry out a great job of disseminating the figure of the social educator and the professional and social performance that he has.
The conformation of Social Education as a profession is still a controversial subject. This is a consequence of the political, social and economic changes that have occurred in our recent history. Just as the definition of Social Education is not clear today, the professional of the social educator is also unknown nowadays. Therefore, this work develops a descriptive study about the knowledge on the professional figure of the social educator in rural environments. The present work focuses on inhabitants of rural localities, trying to analyze the degree of knowledge that the rural population has about the figure of the social educator. To do this, it will begin by conducting interviews with professionals who have practiced this profession and, on the other hand, a questionnaire addressed to inhabitants of rural localities. To answer this question, we analyzed the data collected from 222 people who completed the questionnaire. The results showed that they do not have a clear definition of the social educator and the functions he performs. We conclude that we must still carry out a great job of disseminating the figure of the social educator and the professional and social performance that he has.