Políticas de empleo para colectivos con especiales dificultades de acceso al mercado laboral: Las personas con discapacidad.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este TFG sobre “Políticas de empleo para grupos con dificultades especiales para acceder al mercado
laboral: Las personas con discapacidad” analiza la situación actual del grupo de personas con discapacidad
respecto al mercado de trabajo y las posibilidades y instrumentos establecidos en el sistema legal español
para acceder a este.
Los epígrafes principales de este trabajo tratan de un análisis de las políticas públicas y de los
instrumentos de inserción laboral, con una recopilación de datos que lo respaldan. Además se agrega una
perspectiva de género al trabajo, donde se observa la situación de las mujeres con discapacidad en el área
de empleo. Finalmente, se consideran los retos laborales creados por la pandemia COVID-19.
This TFG on "Employment policies for groups with special difficulties in accessing the working market: Disabled people" analyzes the current situation of the group of disabled people with respect to the labor market and the possibilities and instruments established in the Spanish Legal System for access to the working market. The main sections of this work deal with an analysis of public policies and the instruments of labor insertion, and a collection of data that support it. In addition, a gender perspective is added to the academic work, where the situation of disabled women in the area of employment is observed. And finally, the labor challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic will be considered.
This TFG on "Employment policies for groups with special difficulties in accessing the working market: Disabled people" analyzes the current situation of the group of disabled people with respect to the labor market and the possibilities and instruments established in the Spanish Legal System for access to the working market. The main sections of this work deal with an analysis of public policies and the instruments of labor insertion, and a collection of data that support it. In addition, a gender perspective is added to the academic work, where the situation of disabled women in the area of employment is observed. And finally, the labor challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic will be considered.