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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] En este trabajo nos queremos centrar en algunas de las nuevas
formas de trabajo que están emergiendo en estos últimos años en
todo el Mundo, debido principalmente a los significativos cambios
en la tecnología, la educación, la cultura y en la forma de entender
lo que es una empresa. Esto ha abierto el camino de entrada a
nuevas formas de desarrollar el trabajo. Primeramente,
mostraremos una visión general de la historia del trabajo desde
siglos atrás, pieza a nuestro entender importante para comprender,
de una forma más clara, la incidencia de los cambios actuales.
Después explicaremos algunos de los factores que han incidido en
la irrupción de estos nuevos modelos de trabajo.
Finalmente, procederemos a exponer tres de ellos, que a nuestro
parecer, han irrumpido con más fuerza en nuestra sociedad, como
son Freelance(FL), Coworking (CW) y Teletrabajo (TT).
[EN] In this work, we will focus on some new ways of working which were emerging around the World some years ago, mainly because of technological, educational and cultural changes and the new way of understanding business. That has opened the way to develop new models of working. Firstly, we will show a general view about the history of work two centuries ago, because we think that it would be important to understand even more clearly the current changes and thereafter, we will explain some key factors which have significantly affected the emergence of the new models of work. Finally, we go on to explain three of them, that in our opinion, have appeared more clearly in today society, they are Freelance, Coworking and Teletrabajo
[EN] In this work, we will focus on some new ways of working which were emerging around the World some years ago, mainly because of technological, educational and cultural changes and the new way of understanding business. That has opened the way to develop new models of working. Firstly, we will show a general view about the history of work two centuries ago, because we think that it would be important to understand even more clearly the current changes and thereafter, we will explain some key factors which have significantly affected the emergence of the new models of work. Finally, we go on to explain three of them, that in our opinion, have appeared more clearly in today society, they are Freelance, Coworking and Teletrabajo