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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El rendimiento de juego en fútbol viene determinado no sólo por la capacidad de ejecución de los
participantes sino por la capacidad de superar al adversario que genera un entorno cambiante, donde el
jugador debe estar analizando y decidiendo continuamente las acciones a realizar para conseguir marcar gol.
El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar si con un programa de entrenamiento táctico, basado en un modelo
constructivista, se puede conseguir mejorar el rendimiento de un equipo de fútbol base formado por 13
jugadores alevines y si a la vez provoca cambios en la tendencia de funcionamiento del modelo de juego
afianzado antes de la intervención. Para ello se utilizaron como variables dependientes el aprendizaje táctico
en la toma de decisiones relativas a la construcción de ataques, los medios tácticos grupales (circulación de
balón y jugadores) e intenciones tácticas individuales (relación, desmarque y fijación). La recogida de datos
se llevó a cabo mediante una metodología observacional basada en la aplicación de un instrumento de
elaboración propia. Se utilizó un diseño pretest y postest con grupo control. Los resultados mostraron que
existía una mejora cualitativa significativa manifestada en la eficacia de las intenciones tácticas (relación
p=0,047;fijación >0,001 y desmarque p=0,007). La principal conclusión del estudio es que un programa de
entrenamiento para la enseñanza de la táctica colectiva e individual basado en un modelo constructivista tiene
una influencia positiva en el rendimiento de un equipo de fútbol en etapa de iniciación al fútbol.
Palabras clave: táctica, enseñanza, aprendizaje, constructivismo, eficacia.
[EN]The performance of the game in football comes determined not only for the capacity of execution of the participants, but also for the capacity of surpassing the adversary who generates a changing environment, where the player must be constantly analysing and deciding the actions that should be done for reaching a goal. The aim of this study was to analyse if, with a tactical training programme based on a constructivist model, it would be possible to improve the efficiency of a football team formed by 13 beginner players, and whether at the same time it causes changes in the tendency of working of the model of consolidated game before the intervention. In order to this, some dependent variables have been used such as a tactical learning in the decision making related to the building of attacks, the group tactical means (the motion of the ball and players) and the individual tactical intentions (relationship, to get away from other players and attachment). The datum gathering was accomplished by means of observational methodology based on the use of a selfmade tool. A pre-test and post-test design were used with a control group. The results showed that it existed an improvement in the efficacy of the ball and players’ motion with significant differences (relationship p=0,047,to get away from other players >0,001 and attachment p=0,007). The main conclusion of this study is that a training programme, used for the teaching of collective and individual tactic based on a constructivist model, has positive influence in the performance of a football team in a stage of initiation in football. Key words: Tactic, teaching, learning, constructivism, efficacy
[EN]The performance of the game in football comes determined not only for the capacity of execution of the participants, but also for the capacity of surpassing the adversary who generates a changing environment, where the player must be constantly analysing and deciding the actions that should be done for reaching a goal. The aim of this study was to analyse if, with a tactical training programme based on a constructivist model, it would be possible to improve the efficiency of a football team formed by 13 beginner players, and whether at the same time it causes changes in the tendency of working of the model of consolidated game before the intervention. In order to this, some dependent variables have been used such as a tactical learning in the decision making related to the building of attacks, the group tactical means (the motion of the ball and players) and the individual tactical intentions (relationship, to get away from other players and attachment). The datum gathering was accomplished by means of observational methodology based on the use of a selfmade tool. A pre-test and post-test design were used with a control group. The results showed that it existed an improvement in the efficacy of the ball and players’ motion with significant differences (relationship p=0,047,to get away from other players >0,001 and attachment p=0,007). The main conclusion of this study is that a training programme, used for the teaching of collective and individual tactic based on a constructivist model, has positive influence in the performance of a football team in a stage of initiation in football. Key words: Tactic, teaching, learning, constructivism, efficacy
Palabras clave
Educación Física