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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Nuestro ordenamiento jurídico cuenta con regulación específica para los daños causados por productos creados por el ser humano, imputándole responsabilidad civil al fabricante cuando éste es el responsable de dichos daños. Pero, cada día surgen nuevos retos para nuestro Derecho, ya que el desarrollo de la tecnología y concretamente de la ciencia robótica provoca situaciones que nuestra legislación aún no prevé. Es, pues, necesario, analizar la normativa existente y su aplicación, para poder determinar las lagunas de las normas con las que contamos actualmente y, del mismo modo, hallar la forma de otorgar cobertura a las mismas conforme a los principios y valores en los que se basa nuestro ordenamiento jurídico.
[EN] Our legal system has specific regulation for damages caused by products created by human beings, imputing civil liability to the manufacturer when he is responsible for such damages. But, every day new challenges arise for our Law, since the development of technology and specifically of robotic science causes situations that our legislation does not yet foresee. It is therefore necessary to analyze the existing regulations and their application, in order to determine the gaps in the rules that we currently have and, in the same way, find a way to grant coverage to them according to the principles and values in the which is based on our legal system.
[EN] Our legal system has specific regulation for damages caused by products created by human beings, imputing civil liability to the manufacturer when he is responsible for such damages. But, every day new challenges arise for our Law, since the development of technology and specifically of robotic science causes situations that our legislation does not yet foresee. It is therefore necessary to analyze the existing regulations and their application, in order to determine the gaps in the rules that we currently have and, in the same way, find a way to grant coverage to them according to the principles and values in the which is based on our legal system.