Problemas impositivos del transporte por carretera
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente trabajo fin de máster está orientado a analizar el marco fiscal del transporte, como elemento esencial desde cualquier perspectiva empresarial, incluso más allá de las específicas empresas de transporte, a las que obviamente afecta de forma más directa. Plantea como objetivo principal el análisis de tres tributos como son el Impuesto de Hidrocarburos, el Impuesto de Vehículos de Tracción Mecánica y por último el Impuesto Especial sobre Determinados Medios de Transporte y su resultado a nivel comunitario y español.
Dentro del mismo se estudia la naturaleza de estos tributos y cómo éstos afectan de manera directa al medioambiente, observando qué tipos de beneficios fiscales se plantean adherirse desde un marco español y comunitario para reducir los niveles de contaminación atmosférica en la Unión Europea.
Además, analizaremos a fondo cómo la fiscalidad de los vehículos afecta a los diferentes Estados Miembros de la Unión Europea en un marco de directivas armonizadas a nivel comunitario y cómo la Unión Europea ha hecho frente a determinados tributos que considera confiscatorios más allá de la finalidad esencial que estos persiguen.
Por último, nos centraremos en la fiscalidad española dónde podremos observar los diferentes cambios sufridos por los carburantes a lo largo de los últimos años y estudiaremos la derogación del “polémico céntimo sanitario”, además de su repercusión en el contexto español.
[EN]This Master Thesis is focused on the analysis of the transport taxation system as a relevant factor to be considered in a business initiative, even beyond the specific transport companies, which are more directly affected. Three taxes are mainly examined in this work, i.e. tax on hydrocarbons, Tax Motor Vehicle and finally the special tax on certain transport modes and their impact at the European and Spanish level. The nature of taxes and how they affect the environment are studied in this work. The effect of certain European and Spanish fiscal benefits on air pollution is also analyzed. How taxation affects the states members of the European Union (EU), subjected to common European regulations, and the role of the EU with respect to certain taxes which are considered as confiscatory are discussed. Finally, the Spanish tax system has been analyzed being able to observe the different modifications on fuel taxes along last years as well as the revocation of the controversial “Health Cent Tax”, and its effect on the Spanish taxation.
[EN]This Master Thesis is focused on the analysis of the transport taxation system as a relevant factor to be considered in a business initiative, even beyond the specific transport companies, which are more directly affected. Three taxes are mainly examined in this work, i.e. tax on hydrocarbons, Tax Motor Vehicle and finally the special tax on certain transport modes and their impact at the European and Spanish level. The nature of taxes and how they affect the environment are studied in this work. The effect of certain European and Spanish fiscal benefits on air pollution is also analyzed. How taxation affects the states members of the European Union (EU), subjected to common European regulations, and the role of the EU with respect to certain taxes which are considered as confiscatory are discussed. Finally, the Spanish tax system has been analyzed being able to observe the different modifications on fuel taxes along last years as well as the revocation of the controversial “Health Cent Tax”, and its effect on the Spanish taxation.
Palabras clave
Derecho tributario