The Spanish and French Translations of Proper Names in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El propósito de este estudio es analizar la traducción de nombres propios en las traducciones en español y francés de Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal (escrito en inglés). Los objetivos del estudio son describir las técnicas utilizadas para la traducción de nombres propios, así como contrastar sus diferencias y semejanzas en las dos traducciones.
Estos objetivos se han alcanzado a través de la comparación de los tres textos y la categorización de las técnicas utilizadas, con la clasificación propuesta por Fernandes (2006). Con esto se muestra que los textos en español y francés presentan diferencias en la traducción de nombres propios, y señala qué técnicas se pueden encontrar en estos. Además, muestra una desconexión entre los estudios teóricos y las traducciones, especialmente en el caso del español, aumentando la necesidad de realizar estudios que investiguen en detalle este tema.
The purpose of this study is to analyse the translation of proper names in the Spanish and French translations of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (written in English). The objectives proposed for the study are to describe the translation procedures which were used and to contrast the differences and similarities of both translations concerning that topic. These objectives were achieved through the comparison of the three texts and the categorization of the procedures, using Fernandes’ classification (2006). This illustrates that the Spanish and French texts have different approaches to the translation of proper names, and it shows which techniques are present in the texts. Moreover, it shows that there is not a direct correlation between the theoretical studies and the reality of the translations, especially in the case of Spanish, which stresses the need of creating other studies to examine this topic in detail.
The purpose of this study is to analyse the translation of proper names in the Spanish and French translations of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (written in English). The objectives proposed for the study are to describe the translation procedures which were used and to contrast the differences and similarities of both translations concerning that topic. These objectives were achieved through the comparison of the three texts and the categorization of the procedures, using Fernandes’ classification (2006). This illustrates that the Spanish and French texts have different approaches to the translation of proper names, and it shows which techniques are present in the texts. Moreover, it shows that there is not a direct correlation between the theoretical studies and the reality of the translations, especially in the case of Spanish, which stresses the need of creating other studies to examine this topic in detail.
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