Análisis microtafonomico del registro faunístico del yacimiento arqueológico Pleistoceno “Fuete Nueva 3” (1,2 ma) (Orce, Granada )
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(ES) En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se realiza un análisis microtafonómico de las muestras obtenidas que
componen la secuencia estratigráfica del yacimiento arqueológico pleistoceno “Fuente Nueva 3”
situado en Orce, Granada. Mediante el empleo de una técnica de análisis especifica como es la
micromorfología de suelos, se pretende asociar las distintas patologías que afectan a los restos óseos
con los diferentes ambientes sedimentarios descritos, teniendo como principal objetivo proporcionar
datos que ayuden en un futuro a plantear protocolos de conservación específicos.
(EN) In this Final Degree Project, a microtaphonomic analysis of the samples obtained that make up the stratigraphic sequence of the Pleistocene archaeological site "Fuente Nueva 3" located in Orce, Granada, is carried out. Through the use of a specific analysis technique such as micromorphology, it is intended to associate the different pathologies that affect the bone remains with the different sedimentary environments described, with the main objective of providing data that will help in the future to propose protocols for specific conservation.
(EN) In this Final Degree Project, a microtaphonomic analysis of the samples obtained that make up the stratigraphic sequence of the Pleistocene archaeological site "Fuente Nueva 3" located in Orce, Granada, is carried out. Through the use of a specific analysis technique such as micromorphology, it is intended to associate the different pathologies that affect the bone remains with the different sedimentary environments described, with the main objective of providing data that will help in the future to propose protocols for specific conservation.
Palabras clave
Arqueología de la arquitectura