Proyecto de empresa "nude"
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Tras analizar el sector de la moda femenina, ha surgido Nude, cuya idea es proporcionar al target de mujeres de entre 25 y 55 años prendas con diseño propio y buena calidad a precios asequibles y competitivos. Esta idea de negocio se va a centrar en el diseño de las prendas, subcontratando la fabricación y distribución de las mismas. La comercialización será tanto al por mayor, en tiendas especializadas, como a través de la web corporativa de la empresa, directamente al cliente. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar si realmente esta idea de negocio es rentable y por tanto, es viable llevarla a la práctica.
[EN]After analyzing the women's fashion sector, Nude has arisen, whose idea is to provide to the target of women aged between 25 and 55 with own design and good quality clothes at competitive prices. This business idea is going to focus on clothing design, outsourcing the manufacture and distribution. Sales will be both to the wholesale, in shops, and through the corporate website of the company, directly to te customer. The main objective of this work is to check if this idea of business is really profitable and therefore, it is feasible to put it into practice.
[EN]After analyzing the women's fashion sector, Nude has arisen, whose idea is to provide to the target of women aged between 25 and 55 with own design and good quality clothes at competitive prices. This business idea is going to focus on clothing design, outsourcing the manufacture and distribution. Sales will be both to the wholesale, in shops, and through the corporate website of the company, directly to te customer. The main objective of this work is to check if this idea of business is really profitable and therefore, it is feasible to put it into practice.