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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este Trabajo Fin de Grado es reflejo de la importancia que tiene el patrimonio en la construcción de identidades, en la educación por la igualdad y de valores de la ciudadanía, observando que, si se siguen los pasos de transmisión de la historia y la cultura como hasta ahora se ha contado, desde el androcentrismo, la figura de la mujer no es relevante de la misma manera que lo es la del hombre, incluso se invisibiliza. El soporte teórico de este trabajo se pone en antecedentes que tienen que ver con el concepto patrimonio, así como su vinculación con el género y la importancia de la educación patrimonial. Se plantea así un pequeño trabajo de investigación mediante observación y revisión de fuentes corroborando la ausencia de figuras femeninas en la ciudad de Baeza, proponiendo que la ciudad, como Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad que es, sirva de recurso para trabajar la adquisición de valores y la educación por la igualdad, incluyendo la perspectiva de género.
This Final Grade Project reflects the importance of heritage in the construction of identities, education for equality and of citizenship values, noting that if we follow the steps of a transmission of history and culture as it has been told until now, from androcentrism, the figure of women is not relevant as the same way as that men, and even becomes invisible. The theorical support of this work is put on a blackground that have to do with the concept of heritage, as well as its link with gender and the importance of heritage education. This is a small research work through observation and review of sources that corroborating the absence of female figures in the city of Baeza, proposing that the city, as World City Heritage it is, serve as a resource to work on the acquisition of values and education for equality, including the gender perspective
This Final Grade Project reflects the importance of heritage in the construction of identities, education for equality and of citizenship values, noting that if we follow the steps of a transmission of history and culture as it has been told until now, from androcentrism, the figure of women is not relevant as the same way as that men, and even becomes invisible. The theorical support of this work is put on a blackground that have to do with the concept of heritage, as well as its link with gender and the importance of heritage education. This is a small research work through observation and review of sources that corroborating the absence of female figures in the city of Baeza, proposing that the city, as World City Heritage it is, serve as a resource to work on the acquisition of values and education for equality, including the gender perspective
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