Conocimiento y actuación sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente en la etapa de Primaria
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El consumo descontrolado de los recursos del planeta producido por elhiperconsumismo propio de las sociedades capitalistas han generado importantesconsecuencias en el medio ambiente de nuestro planeta, afectado de forma directa e indirectaa la supervivencia de millones de personas en todo el mundo. Transcurrido la mitad el sigloXX era necesario desarrollar una serie de movimientos dirigidos a la concienciación yactuación de la sociedad con respecto al cuidado y mantenimiento del medio ambiente, laeducación ambiental, antes de que las consecuencias de su degradación fueran irreversibles.En este TFG se realizará un análisis curricular con respecto al tema de la educaciónambiental, apoyada a través de la literatura científica al respecto para el desarrollo de unapropuesta didáctica dirigida a alumnos del segundo ciclo de la etapa de Educación Primaria.
The uncontrolled consumption of the planet's resources produced by the commonhyper consumerism typical of the capitalist societies has generated important consequences inthe environment of our planet, directly and indirectly affecting by the survival of millions ofpeople around the world. In the second half of the twentieth century, it was necessary todevelop a series of movements aimed at raising awareness and acting with respect to the careand maintenance of the environment before the consequences of its degradation wereirreversible. These movements found their shape in environmental education.In this paper a curricular analysis will be carried out with respect to the topic ofenvironmental education, supported through the scientific literature in this regard for thedevelopment of a didactic proposal aimed at students of the second cycle of the PrimaryEducation stage.
The uncontrolled consumption of the planet's resources produced by the commonhyper consumerism typical of the capitalist societies has generated important consequences inthe environment of our planet, directly and indirectly affecting by the survival of millions ofpeople around the world. In the second half of the twentieth century, it was necessary todevelop a series of movements aimed at raising awareness and acting with respect to the careand maintenance of the environment before the consequences of its degradation wereirreversible. These movements found their shape in environmental education.In this paper a curricular analysis will be carried out with respect to the topic ofenvironmental education, supported through the scientific literature in this regard for thedevelopment of a didactic proposal aimed at students of the second cycle of the PrimaryEducation stage.
Palabras clave
Mención de Educación Física