Dedogmatization Through literature: Rebellion, Art, Humour.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La literatura ha sido desde tiempo inmemorial espejo de las inquietudes de cada época. En el caso de las opiniones vertidas en sus obras sobre la religión, siempre ha sido crítica a la vez que cercana. Analizamos en este trabajo distintas respuestas de la literatura a la rigidez, tirantez e intolerancia de los dogmas mediante posturas distintas de rebeldía, creatividad a través del arte y humor.
[EN] Literature has been since its early beginnings a mirror of the worries of man in each stage in history. In the case of opinions expressed about religion, it has always been critica!, as well as clase and intimate. In this work 1 will analyse different responses through literature to the intransigency, stiffness and intolerance of dogmas through different stances: rebellion, creativity through art and humour.
[EN] Literature has been since its early beginnings a mirror of the worries of man in each stage in history. In the case of opinions expressed about religion, it has always been critica!, as well as clase and intimate. In this work 1 will analyse different responses through literature to the intransigency, stiffness and intolerance of dogmas through different stances: rebellion, creativity through art and humour.
Palabras clave
Teaching English as a Foreign Language