Planificación financiera. Aplicación a un caso real: Mahou, S.A.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Este Trabajo Fin de Grado tiene como título "Planificación financiera: Aplicación a un caso real: Mahou, S.A.". En primer lugar, se analiza esta empresa y el entrono en el que se encuentra. A continuación, se elabora un estudio económico-financiero con la finalidad de conocer la evolución de la empresa a través del cálculo de distintos ratios. Seguidamente, se realizan predicciones sobre el futuro de Mahou. Para ello se tienen en cuenta los principales indicadores económicos, el sector en el que opera y las futuras acciones que llevará acabo la empresa. En el penúltimo epígrafe, se elaboran los estados financieros previsionales para los próximos tres años. En el último apartado, se realiza un análisis de sensibilidades que Mahou presenta en distintos escenariois. Para finalizar este TFG se exponen las conclusiones que se han obtenido tras el estudio completo de esta empresa.
[EN] This final project of my degree has as tittle "Financial planning. Application to a real case: Mahou, public limited company". This project is structured as follows: First, we can see the general description of the company. I have studied the products, customers, the direct competitors and the sector, among other things. Secondly, I have made an economic and financial analysis. This project shows evolution of the company through financial ratios. Later, I have studied the evolution future of sales, of costs, among other things. Addition, I have studied the growth prospects of these. In the penultime section, I have developed the provisional financial statements for 2015-2017 years. In the last section, I have done a sensibility analysis that Mahou has in differente scenariois. Finally, we can read the conclusions that I have got after finishing this work.
[EN] This final project of my degree has as tittle "Financial planning. Application to a real case: Mahou, public limited company". This project is structured as follows: First, we can see the general description of the company. I have studied the products, customers, the direct competitors and the sector, among other things. Secondly, I have made an economic and financial analysis. This project shows evolution of the company through financial ratios. Later, I have studied the evolution future of sales, of costs, among other things. Addition, I have studied the growth prospects of these. In the penultime section, I have developed the provisional financial statements for 2015-2017 years. In the last section, I have done a sensibility analysis that Mahou has in differente scenariois. Finally, we can read the conclusions that I have got after finishing this work.