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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)El objetivo principal de este trabajo es demostrar que la traducción es una metodología de
aprendizaje adecuada si se combina con otras más actuales en las que se trabajen aplicando las cuatro
competencias. Además, nos gustaría acercar al lector al apasionante mundo de la enseñanza y la
traducción en las clases de FLE y resaltar la importancia de la traducción pedagógica y por lo tanto, es
fundamental conocer las diferentes metodologías que existen.
Desarrollaremos una Unidad Didáctica en la que pretendemos mostrar como se pueden
trabajar la traducción, las cuatro competencias y la ecología.
(ENThe main objective of this work is to demonstrate that translation is an adequate learning methodology if it is combined with other more current ones in which the four competences are applied. In addition, we would like to bring the reader closer to the exciting world of teaching and translation in FLE classes and highlight the importance of pedagogical translation and, therefore, it is essential to know the different methodologies that exist. We will develop a Didactic Unit in which we intend to show how translation, the four competences and ecology can be worked on.)
(ENThe main objective of this work is to demonstrate that translation is an adequate learning methodology if it is combined with other more current ones in which the four competences are applied. In addition, we would like to bring the reader closer to the exciting world of teaching and translation in FLE classes and highlight the importance of pedagogical translation and, therefore, it is essential to know the different methodologies that exist. We will develop a Didactic Unit in which we intend to show how translation, the four competences and ecology can be worked on.)