Redes sociales en la adolescencia
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(ES) El uso de las redes sociales se ha incrementado en los últimos años. Cada vez son más los
jóvenes que desde edades muy tempranas se crean un perfil sin consentimiento de un adulto y sin
ningún tipo de control.
Los adolescentes utilizan las redes sociales para comunicarse con sus amigos, para
compartir fotos de su día a día, para buscar una aprobación grupal, e incluso para ligar. Este uso
incontrolado de las redes sociales ha traído consigo una serie de problemas asociados que se les
escapa de control por la falta de conocimiento o por su escasa madurez. Como son el
ciberbullying, sexting, phishing, grooming, etc.
Para prevenir el riesgo de sufrir cualquier tipo de problemática, se ha creado este proyecto
de intervención, para concienciar a los jóvenes sobre los riesgos de internet y dotarlos de las
herramientas necesarias para abordar los factores de riesgo que se puedan encontrar.
(EN) The presence of teenagers inside social networks has increased immeasurably in recent years. Nowadays, young people participate in social networks without the consent or control of an adult. Youngers employ social networks to communicate with their friends, share photos, look forward to a grupal approval and even to pick up. This uncontrol use of social networks have caused a wide range of troubles associated with the lock of control or supervision. Throughout the pass of time, new troubles have emerged due to social networks such as: ciberbullying, sexting, phishing, grooming, phubbing, etc. To prevent risks of suffering any trouble, a new project has been created to intervene and it is based on a sensitivity studio in order to make teenagers conscious of internet risks and give them essential tools to deal with risk factors.
(EN) The presence of teenagers inside social networks has increased immeasurably in recent years. Nowadays, young people participate in social networks without the consent or control of an adult. Youngers employ social networks to communicate with their friends, share photos, look forward to a grupal approval and even to pick up. This uncontrol use of social networks have caused a wide range of troubles associated with the lock of control or supervision. Throughout the pass of time, new troubles have emerged due to social networks such as: ciberbullying, sexting, phishing, grooming, phubbing, etc. To prevent risks of suffering any trouble, a new project has been created to intervene and it is based on a sensitivity studio in order to make teenagers conscious of internet risks and give them essential tools to deal with risk factors.