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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Máster es el diseño de un Programa extracurricular de
Educación Asistida con Animales (EAA) para el desarrollo y mejora de las Habilidades
Sociales y de manera transversal la Inteligencia Interpersonal e Intrapersonal que conforman
la Inteligencia Emocional. Los participantes a los que va dirigido este Programa de
Educación Asistida con Perro (EAP), cuyas edades comprenden entre los 7 y los 9 años, son
Alumnos/as con Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo (ANEAE). Se encuentran
alumnos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con
Hiperactividad (TDAH) y Trastorno de la fluidez de inicio en la infancia o tartamudeo.
“Color de ojos” tomará como base el Plan de Apoyo a la Integración del CEIP donde se
realice el programa de EAA. En cuanto a la metodología, se usará el aprendizaje
cooperativo, el aprender jugando, el autoaprendizaje y el aprendizaje por descubrimiento.
Para entrenar las habilidades sociales se seguirán los siguientes principios generales:
vivencial, dinámicas de grupo y participación de la familia. Para la evaluación de los
usuarios se utilizará la observación directa, cuestionarios a maestros/as, rúbricas y
cuestionarios para la evaluación del trabajo y del bienestar animal. El programa “Color de
ojos” consta de 12 sesiones, una sesión por semana, con una duración de 60 minutos.
[EN]The aim of this paper is to design an Animal-Assisted Education (AEE) in an Extracurricular Programme for Special Educative Need Students in order to develop and enhance Social Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence and Intrapersonal Intelligence. This AAE Programme is aimed at Special Educative Need Students who are between 7 and 9 years old. They are students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Stuttering. “Color de ojos” will be based on the Integration Support Plan from the school where the AEE Programme will be developed. Methodologically, it will be used cooperative learning, learning by playing, selflearning and learning by discovery. In order to train social skills, these general principles will be followed: experiential, group dynamics and involvement of the family. It will be used the direct observation, teachers’ questionnaires, rubrics and work assessment and 3 animal well-being questionnaires for the participants’ assessment. “Color de ojos” Programme consists of 12 sessions, one per week with a 60 minutes duration.
[EN]The aim of this paper is to design an Animal-Assisted Education (AEE) in an Extracurricular Programme for Special Educative Need Students in order to develop and enhance Social Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence and Intrapersonal Intelligence. This AAE Programme is aimed at Special Educative Need Students who are between 7 and 9 years old. They are students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Stuttering. “Color de ojos” will be based on the Integration Support Plan from the school where the AEE Programme will be developed. Methodologically, it will be used cooperative learning, learning by playing, selflearning and learning by discovery. In order to train social skills, these general principles will be followed: experiential, group dynamics and involvement of the family. It will be used the direct observation, teachers’ questionnaires, rubrics and work assessment and 3 animal well-being questionnaires for the participants’ assessment. “Color de ojos” Programme consists of 12 sessions, one per week with a 60 minutes duration.