Enseñanza-aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera: contexto, métodos, procesos y materiales
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este trabajo trata sobre la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en educación Primaria, lo cual es un tema de actualidad en nuestros días debido a la importancia que tienen las lenguas extranjeras en nuestra sociedad. Analizaré la legislación actual que regula la enseñanza en educación Primaria, las distintas concepciones sobre la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras que han existido a lo largo de la historia. También hablaré de la educación bilingüe en España, como se regula y qué ventajas tiene. A continuación desarrollaré como influye el contexto del alumno en el proceso de aprendizaje y seguidamente expondré las distintas teorías del aprendizaje que existen. Investigaré acerca de los recursos didácticos que podemos encontrar en educación Primaria y explicaré en qué consiste cada uno de ellos. Por último, trataré un tema que está muy de moda en la actualidad: el uso de TICs en educación.
This dissertation talks about teaching foreign languages in Primary School, which is a current issue in our days due to the importance that foreign languages have in our society. I am going to analyze the current legislation that regulate the teaching in Primary School, the different conceptions about teaching foreign languages that have been existed along the history. Also I am going to speak about the bilingual education in Spain, how it is regulate and the advantages that it has. Next I will carry out how influence the learner context in the learning process and after that I am going to explain the different theories about learning that exist. I am going to investigate with reference to the didactic resources that we could find in Primary School and I am going to explain what that is consist of everyone of them. At last, I am going to talk about a fashion theme nowadays: the use of TICs in education.
This dissertation talks about teaching foreign languages in Primary School, which is a current issue in our days due to the importance that foreign languages have in our society. I am going to analyze the current legislation that regulate the teaching in Primary School, the different conceptions about teaching foreign languages that have been existed along the history. Also I am going to speak about the bilingual education in Spain, how it is regulate and the advantages that it has. Next I will carry out how influence the learner context in the learning process and after that I am going to explain the different theories about learning that exist. I am going to investigate with reference to the didactic resources that we could find in Primary School and I am going to explain what that is consist of everyone of them. At last, I am going to talk about a fashion theme nowadays: the use of TICs in education.
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