El juego como componente lúdico en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera en alumnos con NEE
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Llevaremos a cabo un análisis del componente lúdico en el proceso de
enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras en alumnos con NEE y a continuación
diferentes propuestas didácticas con la finalidad de acercar al niño/a con necesidades
especiales a los conceptos en inglés, para que los interiorice personalmente y los
adquiera para su desarrollo integral.
La adquisición de estos conceptos se hará a través de los juegos, ya que es una
de las herramientas educativas básicas en la formación del niño/a para facilitar la
enseñanza y el aprendizaje. El juego es un elemento motivador y útil para la adquisición
del aprendizaje.
Las lenguas extranjeras son importantes para la vida en sociedad, para el día a
día, así que es fundamental que desde las primeras edades empiecen a manipular la L2.
Las lenguas extranjeras son necesarias para el desarrollo del niño/a y para la
convivencia en sociedad.
I´m going to research about the recreational component to learning a foreign language with students whose hare SEN (special educational needs). Then I´m going to show different didactic proposals in order to these kinds of pupils can understand the English concepts better and they can use them for their own development. The acquisition of these concepts will do through the games, because the games are the best tools to improve their learning. Also this experience is more funny, helpful and motivating than the traditional methods. The foreign Language are very important in our society and in our lifestyle, for this reason the children must start to learn another Language different from yours as soon as possible, Learning a foreign language is necessary to life in society.
I´m going to research about the recreational component to learning a foreign language with students whose hare SEN (special educational needs). Then I´m going to show different didactic proposals in order to these kinds of pupils can understand the English concepts better and they can use them for their own development. The acquisition of these concepts will do through the games, because the games are the best tools to improve their learning. Also this experience is more funny, helpful and motivating than the traditional methods. The foreign Language are very important in our society and in our lifestyle, for this reason the children must start to learn another Language different from yours as soon as possible, Learning a foreign language is necessary to life in society.
Palabras clave
Educación especial