Mujer gitana: del ámbito familiar al social
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
"El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) tiene como finalidad comparar la situación de las mujeres de etnia gitana con respecto a las que no lo son; además se analiza la situación e implicación en la sociedad, el cómo se sienten en su ámbito familiar y el papel que cumplen dentro de este y su conocimiento y acercamiento con respecto al mundo laboral. Dentro de este se explicaron términos para que se pudiese entrar en contexto acerca del tema que se trata y comprender mejor el fin de esta investigación. El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es dar visibilidad a la situación en la que se encuentran las mujeres gitanas actualmente en la sociedad y el papel que cumplen dentro o fuera de ella. Para lograr el objetivo de esta investigación se realizó, en primer lugar, una revisión bibliográfica sobre la temática elegida y por otro lado, una investigación descriptiva/correlacional en la cual hemos obtenido los datos mediante un cuestionario y entrevistas como herramienta de recogida de información. Los resultados muestran que, siendo gitanas o payas, encontramos similitudes en cuanto a avances en la sociedad relacionados con la mujer y al ámbito laboral, donde 6 de las 12 usuarias pertenecen a la comunidad gitana y no están inmersas aun en el mundo laboral pero les gustaría. Finalmente se llega a la conclusión de que se ha avanzado mucho en cuanto a la situación de la mujer gitana en la sociedad pero que aún queda mucho por conseguir, tanto laboral como socialmente."
"The gypsy people are one of the most widespread ethnic minorities in All of Europe and in Spain it has 75,000 people belonging to it. This minority today is still excluded and stigmatized within our society, very few women have enough support and motivation to continue their studies with low employment rates. This End-of-Degree Work (TFG) aims to compare the situation of gypsy women with respect to non-Gypsy women; it also looks at the situation and involvement in society, how they feel in their family sphere and the role complying within it and their knowledge and approach to the world of work. Within this, terms were explained so that context could be put into context on the subject and better understand the purpose of this research. The objective of this End of Degree Work is to give visibility to the situation in which gypsy women are currently in society and the role they play inside or outside of it. To achieve the objective of this research, a bibliographic review was carried out on the subject chosen and on the other hand, a descriptive investigation in which we have obtained the data through a questionnaire and interviews as an information gathering tool. The results show that, being gypsies or non-gypsies, we find similarities in terms of progress in society related to women and the workplace, where 6 of the 12 users belong to the Gypsy community and are not yet immersed in the world of work but would like it. Finally, it comes to the conclusion that much progress has been made in terms of the situation of gypsy women in society but that much remains to be achieved, both labor and social."
"The gypsy people are one of the most widespread ethnic minorities in All of Europe and in Spain it has 75,000 people belonging to it. This minority today is still excluded and stigmatized within our society, very few women have enough support and motivation to continue their studies with low employment rates. This End-of-Degree Work (TFG) aims to compare the situation of gypsy women with respect to non-Gypsy women; it also looks at the situation and involvement in society, how they feel in their family sphere and the role complying within it and their knowledge and approach to the world of work. Within this, terms were explained so that context could be put into context on the subject and better understand the purpose of this research. The objective of this End of Degree Work is to give visibility to the situation in which gypsy women are currently in society and the role they play inside or outside of it. To achieve the objective of this research, a bibliographic review was carried out on the subject chosen and on the other hand, a descriptive investigation in which we have obtained the data through a questionnaire and interviews as an information gathering tool. The results show that, being gypsies or non-gypsies, we find similarities in terms of progress in society related to women and the workplace, where 6 of the 12 users belong to the Gypsy community and are not yet immersed in the world of work but would like it. Finally, it comes to the conclusion that much progress has been made in terms of the situation of gypsy women in society but that much remains to be achieved, both labor and social."