La inclusión del alumnado sordo en el aula ordinaria
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente trabajo trata de presentar un modelo de investigación con el que se pretende conocer la formación del profesorado de educación infantil y primaria acerca de la educación inclusiva del alumnado con deficiencia auditiva, abordando temas como la percepción general de la deficiencia auditiva, tanto desde el punto de vista del profesorado como desde el de las familias, y el proyecto de educación inclusiva reinante en los centros educativos de la provincia de Jaén. Por otra parte, también se trata de conocer el nivel de aceptación del alumnado sordo por parte del alumnado oyente, como parte inconmensurable de la integración del alumnado deficiente auditivo en el aula ordinaria. Por último, se pretende dar cuenta del pensamiento de las familias, de las colaboraciones que madres y padres de hijos/as con deficiencia auditiva establecen con los centros educativos de estos/as, viendo esta colaboración como parte de la educación inclusiva.
Palabras clave: deficiencia auditiva, formación del profesorado, familia, educación inclusiva.
[EN]The present work aims to introduce a research model that expects to know the training of kindergarten teachers about inclusive education of students with hearing impairment, addressing issues such as the general perception about hearing impairment, both from the point of view of teachers as from families, and draft ruling inclusive education in schools in the province of Jaén. Moreover, it is also about knowing the level of acceptance of deaf children of hearing students by, as immeasurable part of the integration from hearing impaired students in regular classrooms. Finally, it seeks to explain the thoughts of families, contributions of mothers and fathers of sons/daughters with hearing impairment established with their schools, seeing this collaboration as part of inclusive education. Key words: hearing fault, professorship formation, family, inclusive education.
[EN]The present work aims to introduce a research model that expects to know the training of kindergarten teachers about inclusive education of students with hearing impairment, addressing issues such as the general perception about hearing impairment, both from the point of view of teachers as from families, and draft ruling inclusive education in schools in the province of Jaén. Moreover, it is also about knowing the level of acceptance of deaf children of hearing students by, as immeasurable part of the integration from hearing impaired students in regular classrooms. Finally, it seeks to explain the thoughts of families, contributions of mothers and fathers of sons/daughters with hearing impairment established with their schools, seeing this collaboration as part of inclusive education. Key words: hearing fault, professorship formation, family, inclusive education.