Proyecto de prevención de drogas en adolescentes
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este Trabajo de Final de Grado, cuyo cometido es plasmar los conocimientos adquiridos durante la carrera de Trabajo Social, se ha elaborado un proyecto de intervención social que tiene como objeto la prevención del consumo de drogas en edades tempranas. Tal proyecto tendrá como objetivo informar y concienciar a los jóvenes adolescentes entre 12 y 13 años, sobre los riesgos derivados del consumo, a la vez que se formará en hábitos saludables y estilos de vida que aporten salud así como también se pretende plantear educación en salud mediante diferentes actividades deportivas como alternativa para el tiempo de ocio.
In this final project, whose task is to express the acquired knowledge throughout the Social Work Degree, is intended to develop an intervention project whose aim is the prevention of drugs use at an early age. In this project, youngsters will be informed and become aware of the derivative risks as well as teaching them healthy habits and motivating sports activities as new choices to do in their spare time.
In this final project, whose task is to express the acquired knowledge throughout the Social Work Degree, is intended to develop an intervention project whose aim is the prevention of drugs use at an early age. In this project, youngsters will be informed and become aware of the derivative risks as well as teaching them healthy habits and motivating sports activities as new choices to do in their spare time.