El tutor/a de educación primaria y su actuación en el ámbito familiar.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este trabajo fin de grado trata sobre una propuesta tutorial enfocada a una alumna con
necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo y cómo debería intervenir la comunidad educativa,
entendiéndose como tal,lafamllia, el equipo docente, alumnado, etc. con el objetivo de orientarla
sobre las necesidades que presenta dicha alumna y así establecer una relación de coordinación
entre todos estos colectivos. Además, se reflejará el papel que va a desempeñar el tutor/a, equipo
docente, profesionales de atención a la diversidad, equipo de orientación, familia y grupo de
iguales, bas¿ándose en la legislación vigente. Para ello, se llevará a cabo una metodología
constructiva, individualízada, significativa, abierla y flexible, con actividades desarrolladas
individual y grupalmente para cubrir las necesidades que puedan surgir en ambos ámbitos.
This academic project consists of a tutorial proposal focused on a student with specific educational needs and how the educational community such as the family, the teaching staff, the students, should act in order to guide this community about the problems the student has and, therefore, establish a coordination relationship between all these groups. Furthermore, we will deal with the role of the tutor, teaching staff, professionals specialized on diversity, guidance team, family and peer groups, based on the current law. We will use a constructive, personalized, sígnificant, open, flexible methodology, with individual activities and in groups so that we can meet the needs in both fields.
This academic project consists of a tutorial proposal focused on a student with specific educational needs and how the educational community such as the family, the teaching staff, the students, should act in order to guide this community about the problems the student has and, therefore, establish a coordination relationship between all these groups. Furthermore, we will deal with the role of the tutor, teaching staff, professionals specialized on diversity, guidance team, family and peer groups, based on the current law. We will use a constructive, personalized, sígnificant, open, flexible methodology, with individual activities and in groups so that we can meet the needs in both fields.
Palabras clave
Educación Especial