Lógicomatemática y Creatividad
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La forma de educar en los colegios ha cambiado mucho a lo largo de los años,donde más se nota es en la Educación Infantil ya que se trabaja de formadiferente que el resto de los ciclos. En este periodo de la educación se enseñajugando y el alumno interviene en su propio aprendizaje.En este proyecto he querido plasmar dos temas aparentemente contrarios comoson la lógica matemática y la creatividad. Se cree que la creatividad sólo espara unos pocos, pero en realidad se practica como el reto de las actitudes.Se trata de un proyecto que presenta diferentes obras de grandes pintores de lahistoria más contemporánea, junto a unas actividades que fomentan la lógicomatemática. Es interesante ver lo bien que casan estos dos términos.
The way of educating in schools has changed a lot over the years, where it ismost noticeable in Early Childhood Education since it works differently thanthe rest of the cycles. In this period of education, it is taught by playing and thestudent intervenes in his own learning.In this project I wanted to capture two apparently contrary themes such asmathematical logic and creativity. Creativity is believed to be for only a few,but is actually practiced as the challenge of attitudes.It is a project that presents different works by great painters from the mostcontemporary history, together with activities that promote mathematicallogic. It is interesting to see how well these two terms fit together.
The way of educating in schools has changed a lot over the years, where it ismost noticeable in Early Childhood Education since it works differently thanthe rest of the cycles. In this period of education, it is taught by playing and thestudent intervenes in his own learning.In this project I wanted to capture two apparently contrary themes such asmathematical logic and creativity. Creativity is believed to be for only a few,but is actually practiced as the challenge of attitudes.It is a project that presents different works by great painters from the mostcontemporary history, together with activities that promote mathematicallogic. It is interesting to see how well these two terms fit together.