Técnicas de optimización y seguridad en la gestión de discos y sistemas de archivos en entornos de red
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)El Trabajo Fin de Master tiene como objetivo establecer los elementos curriculares para la unidad
didáctica llamada "Administración de discos y seguridad en sistemas operativos en red". El proyecto
consta de dos partes. En la primera, se aborda el tema de la gestión del sistema de archivos, así como
diversas técnicas para asegurar la integridad de los sistemas informáticos. Entre estas técnicas se incluyen
la implementación de cuotas de disco, así como la creación y recuperación de copias de seguridad e
imágenes del sistema. En la primera parte se incluye un estudio epistemológico exhaustivo de la
implantación de estas técnicas. En la segunda parte, se contextualiza un entorno educativo ideal para la
unidad didáctica, considerando la normativa vigente y programando actividades y evaluaciones. La unidad
didáctica se basa en los conceptos anteriores y proporciona a los estudiantes los conocimientos y
competencias necesarios para administrar eficientemente los sistemas operativos.
(EN)The Master's Thesis aims to establish the curricular elements for the didactic unit called "Disk Administration and Security in Network Operating Systems." The project consists of two parts. In the first part, the topic of file system management is addressed, as well as various techniques to ensure the integrity of computer systems. These techniques include implementing disk quotas, as well as creating and recovering backups and system images. The first part includes a comprehensive epistemological study of the implementation of these techniques. In the second part, an ideal educational environment is contextualized for the didactic unit, considering current regulations and programming activities and assessments. The didactic unit is based on the aforementioned concepts and provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to efficiently administer operating systems.
(EN)The Master's Thesis aims to establish the curricular elements for the didactic unit called "Disk Administration and Security in Network Operating Systems." The project consists of two parts. In the first part, the topic of file system management is addressed, as well as various techniques to ensure the integrity of computer systems. These techniques include implementing disk quotas, as well as creating and recovering backups and system images. The first part includes a comprehensive epistemological study of the implementation of these techniques. In the second part, an ideal educational environment is contextualized for the didactic unit, considering current regulations and programming activities and assessments. The didactic unit is based on the aforementioned concepts and provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to efficiently administer operating systems.