El bullying: Un problema a resolver
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]La presente revisión bibliográfica introduce en uno de los problemas de especial importancia y actualidad en los centros escolares: el bullying. Partiendo de la elaboración, con ayuda de distintos autores, de una definición de lo que este término significa hoy, se abordan después las características de este tipo de violencia, señalando también algunos aspectos relacionados con su desarrollo y definiendo las características de los sujetos implicados en este tipo de agresión. A continuación, se detiene en uno de los instrumentos especialmente útiles en la erradicación del bullying: los programas de intervención. Finaliza aportando una propuesta de actividades para prevenir el bullying en el aula.
[EN]This bibliographic review talks about one of the most important, special and present problems. This problem is called "bullying". Starting from the meaning of "bullying" as a definition, with the help of different authors today, we treat the characteristics of this violence, pointing to several aspects to the problem and its development and, defining how can be the agressors. Later, we stop in one of the specially useful intruments to eradicate "bullying" called "intervention programs". Finally we provide a proposition of activities to prevent "bullying" in the classroom.
[EN]This bibliographic review talks about one of the most important, special and present problems. This problem is called "bullying". Starting from the meaning of "bullying" as a definition, with the help of different authors today, we treat the characteristics of this violence, pointing to several aspects to the problem and its development and, defining how can be the agressors. Later, we stop in one of the specially useful intruments to eradicate "bullying" called "intervention programs". Finally we provide a proposition of activities to prevent "bullying" in the classroom.
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