Homer: A Space Odyssey. Analysis and Comparison Between Original and Adaptation.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
A lo largo de éste trabajo se tratará de comparar y señalar la forma en la que los autores del cómic han adaptado la obra original de Homero a éste formato, y considerar si la adaptación ha conseguido ser lo más fiel posible a la original, sin desviarse de su esencia. También resaltaré ciertas influencias provenientes de otras fuentes literarias e históricas, y algunos otros temas de actualidad que se encuentran entrelazados con algunas historias que podemos encontrar entre sus páginas.
This work will try to compare and point out the way in which the authors of the comic have adapted Homer’s original work to this format, and consider whether the adaptation has managed to be as faithful as possible to the original, without deviating from its essence. Also, it will try to highlight certain influences from other literary and historical sources, and some other current issues that are intertwined with some stories that can be found within its pages.
This work will try to compare and point out the way in which the authors of the comic have adapted Homer’s original work to this format, and consider whether the adaptation has managed to be as faithful as possible to the original, without deviating from its essence. Also, it will try to highlight certain influences from other literary and historical sources, and some other current issues that are intertwined with some stories that can be found within its pages.