La educación plástica y audiovisual como herramienta de estudio en Educación Primaria
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En el presente TFG se presenta un proyecto educativo que gira en torno a la necesidad de restituir la importancia de la educación plástica y audiovisual en el ámbito educativo, además se busca diseñar un método de enseñanza que resulte clave para el aprendizaje significativo de esta y de las demás áreas. Se utilizará el dibujo y recursos audiovisuales relacionados con él para integrar la asignatura de plástica en las demás áreas, empleando el dibujo como técnica de estudio para la facilitación de adquisición de competencias, contenidos, habilidades y destrezas por parte del alumnado de una forma más eficaz, que mejore la calidad de la enseñanza-aprendizaje e incorporando la educación plástica de una forma interdisciplinar. Se expondrá un proyecto diseñado con actividades y ejercicios, para la mejora de la enseñanza de la educación plástica y visual, facilitando recursos y técnicas de enseñanza actuales, lúdicas y de interés para el alumnado.
In this TFG an educational project is presented that revolves around the need to restore the importance of plastic and audiovisual education in the educational field, in addition, it seeks to design a teaching method that is key for the meaningful learning of this and of the other areas. Drawing and audiovisual resources related to it will be used to integrate the subject of plastic arts in the other areas, using drawing as a study technique to facilitate the acquisition of competences, content, abilities and skills by the students in a more effective way, which improves the quality of teaching-learning and incorporating plastic education in an interdisciplinary way. A project designed with activities and exercises will be exhibited, to improve the teaching of plastic and visual education, providing current teaching resources and techniques, fun and of interest to the students.
In this TFG an educational project is presented that revolves around the need to restore the importance of plastic and audiovisual education in the educational field, in addition, it seeks to design a teaching method that is key for the meaningful learning of this and of the other areas. Drawing and audiovisual resources related to it will be used to integrate the subject of plastic arts in the other areas, using drawing as a study technique to facilitate the acquisition of competences, content, abilities and skills by the students in a more effective way, which improves the quality of teaching-learning and incorporating plastic education in an interdisciplinary way. A project designed with activities and exercises will be exhibited, to improve the teaching of plastic and visual education, providing current teaching resources and techniques, fun and of interest to the students.
Palabras clave
Educación musical