Viaje interestelar mediante el uso de recursos TIC en Educación Primaria
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Este trabajo de Fin de Grado desarrollará una propuesta didáctica, en la cual encontramos como principal objetivo acercar tanto al alumnado como al profesorado a la competencia digital mostrando una gran cantidad de recursos TIC que se pueden utilizar en el aula. Para ello se propone la realización de un proyecto en el que trabajaremos el Universo, sus componentes y origen, que, aunque su principal área es Ciencias Sociales se integran también Lengua Castellana y Literatura, Ciencias de la Naturaleza y Educación Artística. Este proyecto irá dirigido al alumnado del tercer ciclo de primaria concretamente para el quinto curso, aunque se trata de un tema y actividades muy versátiles que pueden ser adaptadas en un futuro para cualquier ciclo o curso. La metodología mediante la cual se llevará a cabo este proyecto será el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP).
This end of degree project will develop a didactic proposal, in which the main objective is to bring both students and teachers closer to digital competence by showing many ICT resources that can be used in the classroom. In this project we will work on the universe, their components and origins, although the main area is Social Sciences, also includes Spanish Language and Literature, Natural Sciences and Artistic Education. This project will be aimed at students in the third cycle of primary school specifically for the fifth year, although it is a very versatile topic and activities that can be adapted in the future for any cycle or course. The methodology by which this project will be carried out will be Project Based Learning (PBL).
This end of degree project will develop a didactic proposal, in which the main objective is to bring both students and teachers closer to digital competence by showing many ICT resources that can be used in the classroom. In this project we will work on the universe, their components and origins, although the main area is Social Sciences, also includes Spanish Language and Literature, Natural Sciences and Artistic Education. This project will be aimed at students in the third cycle of primary school specifically for the fifth year, although it is a very versatile topic and activities that can be adapted in the future for any cycle or course. The methodology by which this project will be carried out will be Project Based Learning (PBL).
Palabras clave
Lenguas Extranjeras; inglés