Regímenes fiscales especiales por razón del territorio: situación actual y perspectivas de futuro
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] En el territorio español encontramos dos modelos de financiación de las Comunidades
autónomas: el régimen común y el régimen foral. El principal objetivo del presente estudio se centra en el análisis del fenómeno denominado descentralización fiscal. En concreto, el sistema de concierto y convenio aplicado en el País Vasco y Navarra. El trabajo se divide en cinco capítulos. El primero de ellos contempla la Introducción del trabajo, así como la metodología seguida. El segundo servirá para ponernos en antecedentes sobre el actual marco normativo y la propia organización del Estado de las Autonomías, así como el desarrollo competencial. El tercero muestra un aspecto básico de las relaciones Estado – Comunidades
autónomas: el modelo de financiación de régimen común. Ya en el cuarto capítulo nos
centramos en los aspectos específicos y diferenciadores de las haciendas forales, mientras que en el quinto, abordamos el reto futuro de Cataluña, inmersa en un proceso de ambiciones soberanistas y un nuevo modelo de financiación.
[EN] In the Spanish territory are two models of financing of the autonomous communities: the common system and the foral regime. The main objective of the present study focuses on the analysis of the phenomenon known as fiscal decentralization. In particular, the system of concert and Convention applied in the Basque country and Navarra. The work is divided into five chapters. The first of these includes the introduction of the work, as well as the methodology to be followed. The second will serve to get background information on the current regulatory framework and the organisation of the State of autonomies, as well as skills development. The third shows a basic aspect of relations State - autonomous communities: the funding of common system model. In the fourth chapter we focus on specific and differentiating aspects of provincial finances, while in the fifth, we are dealing with the future challenge of Catalonia, immersed in a process of sovereigntists ambitions and a new funding model.
[EN] In the Spanish territory are two models of financing of the autonomous communities: the common system and the foral regime. The main objective of the present study focuses on the analysis of the phenomenon known as fiscal decentralization. In particular, the system of concert and Convention applied in the Basque country and Navarra. The work is divided into five chapters. The first of these includes the introduction of the work, as well as the methodology to be followed. The second will serve to get background information on the current regulatory framework and the organisation of the State of autonomies, as well as skills development. The third shows a basic aspect of relations State - autonomous communities: the funding of common system model. In the fourth chapter we focus on specific and differentiating aspects of provincial finances, while in the fifth, we are dealing with the future challenge of Catalonia, immersed in a process of sovereigntists ambitions and a new funding model.